
Friday, May 18, 2012

its jumuah!

bila sedih , cari Dia
bila gembira, cari Dia
bila rasa hilang, cari Dia
bila berjaya, cari Dia
bila keliru, cari Dia
bila rasa lemah, cari Dia
bila rasa kuat, cari Dia
bila-bila pun, cari Dia
kerana Dia sentiasa ada untuk hambaNya
yang bergantungharap padaNya
yang memohon kepadaNya
yang bersyukur padaNya

sungguh, terasa kerdil dengan status sang hamba
tak terbanding dengan Dia yang .. 
indeed He is above everything!
He provide us everything!
and He only demands for little of faith..
and we provide Him with that little little things
and He promise us Jannah!

when i was about to give up
burstin into tears in the shower
He sent me, among His people
to sooth things out
or to at least be there
providing comfort and a shoulder to cry on
but in my case
He sent down someone who I have never met in person
providing'virtual shoulder' to lean on
to ease this pressure
which is nothing compared to the Palestinians Syrians Afghans etc

thankyou dear Allah


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