
Thursday, July 19, 2012

mujahadah sehhh

itu kata murabbi kami.

ya Allah lupe.. eh kome dh berpuasa ke esok? wahh hehe bumi dan bulan Allah :) ajaibnya org west puasa dolu dr kami di Msia nih..
ok ramadhan kareem akhawati fillah! semoga pahala antunna Allah berkati kerana berpuasa di waktu summer. mujahadah seh.. brape jam agaknye berpuasa tu? ganbatte! minum air byk2 :)
ok kalau mcm tu kita buat waktu pagi boleh? tapi tukar hari ahad? hari sabtu ade mukhayyam ramadhan. jd akk tak available.
hari ahad jam xxam USet? Msia xxpm..
since timing 2-2 negara ni mmg tak leh nak sync kan during this ramadhan, jd akk propose utk buat asing2 dulu..
jd utk Msia kita maintain dgn UO pada hari sabtu pagi .. boleh? org US kita buat ahad pagi pula.. both side kita xxx so not to worry :)
ramadhan kareem!
semangat badar...

tersedak juak la bila mula2 propose time usrah masa kiteorg da nak bukak puasa. huhu. tapi apakan daya, time difference is not a mere excuse to stop the tarbiyah. :)

sebenarnya dah lama tak update ni sebab ada 2 midterms siang tadi. 2 ok. satu exam marketing. satu lagi exam calculus II part 2. pehh.

exam mktg.
seperti biasa seorang lecturer graduated with master from Texas A&M uni. hebat kan. cara dia aja sangat simple sangat boleh paham. seronok pergi kelas dia. time review for midterm, he hosted a game , called JEOPARDY. peh. best gila. tapi game JEOPARDEEN kat stc dulu lagi best la ^_^
so the exam was multiple choice of 75 q's. there was a student who asked him before the exam,

"do you have bonus question? to markup the scores..?" muka penuh mengharap.
"noo. of course not. you have bonus only after the finals. not now"

tapi bila bukak ja kertas soklan page last :

75. One of the concept in marketing is when the customer puts little effort to make a purchase decision , this is called low involvement decision making. And so does Dave (nama lecturer) , he is now in the state of low involvement after creating 74 questions beforehand. What type of involvement is this called in marketing?

a. low involvement
a. low involvement
a. low involvement
a. low involvement

(in case you are also in low involvement state because you ve answered 74 questions beforehand, the answer of this question is a)

how much more cuter can one be? :)

exam calculus. 
hm. hmmmmmmm. macam hmmm. hm hm hmmm? hm? haha. insyaAllah lepas la. a question which i asked the instructor for confirmation did came out for the test , and it is 5% ! banyak tu! nasib baik Allah terbiatkan niat nak tanya. indahnya konsep usaha dan tawakal dalam Islam. though i know i did badly, tapi masa hantar kertas tu rasa tenang yang amat. we ll see. :)

mujahadah sehhhh ^_^

cyber troopers? bring it on. yeah.

dan bulan 8 sudah semakin dekat. :)

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