
Monday, November 14, 2011

kelas arab

Kenapa aku tidak dapat apa yang aku idam-idamkan?

Quran menjawab:

 “Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu,dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu,padahal  ia amat buruk bagimu.Allah mengetahui sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui.”

random screenshot. :)
nothing much to share. fall is coming to an end, and winter is sneaking up on me , in particular,  slyly. when the americans are wearing double triple layer of clothes, (thats a nice view indeed, most of them covered) , i go to classes wearing the normals like im used to back in malaysia. its not that the weather here is not biting up my skin, its just that im not used to wearing layers of clothes going out of the room. there are heaters in my building where i stay, thus you will not really feel the cold until you get off the building , which means, when im off the building, then only i realized that i wasnt properly dressed, then only i realized that my bones are shivering, [but it aint me] then only i realized that i had to get back to my room to get my sweater and muffler and gloves. but the fact is, im just lazy. i would rather survive the weather rather than returning to my room. blame me not if i fall sick due to the harsh weather. blame the heaters in my building :p

kelas arab di pagi yang hening.

lecturer : so today we are goin to do a pair-work exercise. lemme put you into groups. *called out everyone's name in order, but not mine*
me : *as usual with me awkward-so-obvious look*
lecturer : and you syarifah, with muhammad *kot ape tah name, hes a stranger in that class, just joined us a few days ago*
me : okayy *muka yg pasrah, cause i dont know him , and expect me to work only with him??*
 -few mins later-
lecturer : actually, i paired you with muhammad because hes a little bit left behind. i think you can help him
me : oh its okay :)
-at the end of the lesson-
muhammad : are you from malaysia?
me : yes. you?
muhammad : im from brunei. how was your raya?
me : wow cool! raya? fun, we have 100++ malaysians here.
muhammad : what about brunei? i think im the only one. thanks btw
me : ahha. me think so too. ur welcome :)

alhamdulillah, apa yang baik itu datangnya dari Allah,
 mungkin timbul sedikit riya' di situ,
 astaghfirullahalazim. niat mahu berkongsi sahaja, 
one of the awkwards  here in the states. 
jauhi aku dari 7 perkara yg membawa kepada dosa besar ya Allah.. 
ujub, takbur, hasad, syahwat,tamak,bakhil, 
dan satu lagi yang  ustaz sy sndri pun lupa. 

ma'assalamah ! :)