
Monday, November 7, 2011

one of the best thing about wearing a hijab here in the states is that people acknowledge your existence as a muslim on that part of the planet. and being one, when the other muslims see you, they will immediately consider you as part of them, part of their family, as brothers and sisters in islam. lemme share one of the awkward occasions i faced here. the latest one i bet. i was on my way back from a program. it was 11 pm. the air was cold . the temperature showed 3 degrees. for sure i was shivering cold. was wearing two layers. only. -.- and a girl, free hair, approached me. she hesitated at first but she did! because of my hijab i guessed :)

girl : hey do you have any idea when is the eid?
me : excuse me? the what?
girl : emm. the eiddd?
me : ohh!!!! its tomorrow! 9 am. white building!
girl : owh is it the gym? which room?
me : hmmm. im not sure. i think its the basketball court..
girl : oh okay thanks... *not in her good mood i can tell*
me : oh.. hmm. see you tomorroww!! *if she remembers me* haha


and there it goes, look at how sweet a girl can be when she's all covered! :)

a true believer indeed

the moments are just priceless

attended a workshop last weekend. met kamran pasha, the muslim producer in hollywood , a truly inspiring figure. among the valuables i ve collected from this workshop :

  • a man who dies rich is a man who dies in failure. why? because he fails to use all his wealth to infaq fisabilillah, to help the poor, to build up the ummah, etc. wealth are not given by Allah to be brought to death. because when a muslim dies, theres only 3 things which will remain attached to him; his good deeds, the beneficial knowledges he had passed down to others and prayers from his righteous children. not his gold and his money, not his row of luxurious cars, not his sky scrapper bungalows, etc. 
  • when you choose to pursue your dream, you choose to suffer 90% of the journey towards your dream !
  • there are two kind of pains in this world ; pain of doing what you want and pain of not doing what you want. choose!
  • the greatest power of humankind is the power within yourself, dig them out!
  • in pursuing your dreams, be it impossible or unrealistic, all you need is some strategy,  and with Allah's help (by being tawaqal) , you will win!
  • of everyday people you meet, 90% of them are just faking smiles , and they arent happy at all. you can tell.
  • perfect is the enemy of good. Only Allah is perfect. 
  • we tend to look at something sooooo big that we actually fear to start doing it. 
  • the greatest jihad is jihad against your own selves. 
i learned a lot. hoping that the istiqamah will remain. i made new friends. :) alhamdulillah 'ala kullihal!

selamat hari raya aidil adha!

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha!~. 
Sedikit perkongsian.
 Qurban drpd Qariba atau Qarib.
 Bermaksud dekat.
 Sebagai contoh kawan karib bermaksud
 kawan yang paling akrab dan rapat.
 Kurban mengakrabkan diri pada Allah.
 Kita korbankan pilihan nafsu kita
 dan memilih untuk taat pada Allah.
 Semoga kita lebih akrab dengan Allah s.w.t
. dengan pengorbanan yang kita buat
 dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
 Contoh lagi, kita pilih solat awal waktu
 daripada tonton tv, 
kita pilih untuk korbankan tidur
 untuk thajjud.
 Insya Allah.

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