
Monday, January 30, 2012

ana uhibbu usrati aidon jiddan..

Procrastination kills. 
Believe it or not, its gonna be almost a month of no update. 
When all i think about every hour was to post this and that and those and these , here in the blog,
but ending up not updating at all cause i kept on putting things on hold. 
Claiming that i will have more time to do it the next day,
when i myself dont even know whether i can still breathe the fresh air the next morning. 
oh how fast time flies,
how shorter life  gets,
how near the death is crawling,
how soon the Day will approach,
when all my deeds are nothing compared to my sins..

theres so much i wanna tell the whole wide world . 
those little things in life which if we take those for granted,
they are the one which impact our life the most.
but they are just not explainable at this moment.
i knew it. i just couldnt tell.

enough of emo. 
back to real . real world.
of 18 credit hours for this spring sem
6 subjects :
3 of which i loved most.
2 of which are mandatory.
1 of which is redundant.

(more than 15 response papers, 2 research papers, 2 presentations)
plus that 'weekly routine' 
i am more than ever busy bee.
but fret not,
there are still time i allocate to feed my soul, my ruh. ^^

i miss home. i miss food. i miss my family *which i dont tell them, not at all* 
most of my friends bought their tickets already.
they asked me why i chose to spend my summer here in pennstate.
i told them : takde duit nak beli tiket. 
they offered me money.
i told them : i can always ask mama for money but i choose not to. :) . 
stop bugging me why i chose to stay here. for summer. 

seee. told ya. too many stories to be told. 
i think i messed up this post.
without realizing those gazes from incognitos

lets make you reading worthwhile ,
come on...!

a bit of sharing :
·      Ikhlas ialah saudara muslim itu meniatkan setiap kata, tindakan dan jihad yang dilakukan hanya untuk Allah, mencari keredaan dan ganjaranNya tanpa mengharapkan harta atau kemasyhuran atau kedudukan atau pangkat atau kemajuan atau kemunduran. Ini bermakna dia merupakan pejuang fikrah dan akidah bukan memperjuangkan matlamat dan kepentingan peribadi.”
(Imam Hassan Al Banna)

so lets purify our nawaitu! ^^

i miss those bondings i created in O H aiyoh! :'(

·      “Niat yang ikhlas itu seputih salju pada saat-saat pertama ia mencecah bumi, keikhlasan salju yang turun memutih bumi penuh noda , menyucikan kegelapan kekotoran bumi, tanpa sebarang diskriminasi, itulah ikhlas.”

a very refreshing cup ! with the freezing temperature outside.

happy faces on this happy valley of mine :)


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