
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

maka nikmat mana yang kamu dustakan?

Asalmu dari tanah, kembalimu dari tanah.. apa beza kita dengan penciptaan kejadian binatang? lalu dilahirkan ke dunia, diajar mengenal Allah, mengenal Al-Quran, diajar mengenal Rasulullah saw!

Tapi kenapa sekarang kita berubah? kita lupa, leka dan lepas pandang akan segala-galanya. Lihatlah anugerah mata ini, sering digunakan untuk melihat benda yang haram, mengintai-ngintai, tercari-cari kesalahan orang lain. Lalu berkompromi dengan mulut untuk menyebarkan aib.

Sedarkah? Mata ini bukan hak kita tetapi ia hanyalah sebagai amanah dan pinjaman dari Allah swt. Kufurlah nikmat jika mata kita ini diciptakan hanya untuk dipejamkan dan dicelikkan untuk hal-hal tertentu sahaja sehingga kita membiarkan diri selamanya dalam kejahilan. Setiap mata yang tertutup, belum bererti ia tidur dan setiap mata terbuka, belum bererti ia melihat. Begitulah juga anugerah mata ini, melihat bulan menerangi malam, sehingga lupa ilmu mendekati Allah sahaja yang dapat menerangi hidup ini di dunia dan di akhirat. Allah yang menciptakan mata ini, Allah sahaja yang tahu apa terbaik untuk hambanya, mengapa kita masih degil, ingkar dan kufur? Terfikirkah kita secara tiba-tiba Allah swt tarik nikmat mata ini, apakah kita kian dekat denganNYA atau kian jauh dariNYA? 

(copied from:


sakit tahu kene bright light! i feel her. 

Alhamdulillah 'ala kullihal. Allah tarik kejapp je nikmat mata tu , sebelah je pulak tu, dah jadi tak keruan hidup. Dah terbayang hidup bermata satu. Bila jalan2 tu, memang akan selalu salah target, selalu langgar orang (or orang akan make way for me) , selalu salah bajet tangga (sangat) ! Allah.. :( 
And thanks to my sweet Dr Swaggler ( 3 hari berturut2 jumpa !) for the fwendly tweatmentt! :D it feels like homee ^_^ tak teringat pun nak amik gamba -.- i know this thing can heal on its own, tapi bila jumpa Dr Swaggler, rasa seronok nak heal faster and show him that i am so stwongg! :D
"Dont worry, my son used to have this pain, it made him sleepless. You will get better"
tapi saya bukan anak awak. saya bukan anak lelaki. saya bukan lelaki! 
well, his point is : ini penyakit yang memang wajib kene dekat budak hyperactive macam awak ni, mcm anak laki saya tuu. haha. macam2 pah. maaaaacam macam. 
The moral of the story, complete your assignments, dont procrastinate! dont wait till you lose one of your eye then only you wanna start doing your assignments. pehe dok pehe.
but this feeling, walking in the street with one eye open, is just indescribable. you should try! :) 

I went to the Bennet Family Centre with a couple friends of mine who love to play with little kids. Arriving at the center, I registered as an observer and got a nametag for myself. I was directed to a room down the hallway. Upon reaching the room, I saw a little boy whom later I knew his name is Jack , was licking the wooden door from inside of the room. Of course he is the one who caught my attention when I first enter that room.
Entering such room with the wonderful colorful toys everywhere, the playground, the hand-drawn castle, those things triggered my memory back to when I was little like them (exclude the abundance of toys). I enjoyed this feeling; it was like entering a happily-ever-after land. This is too exaggerating. I know. But that’s exactly how I felt. I was asked to wash my hands to keep the hygiene clean.
I started my observation by just standing on the side of the classroom, watched the kids as they play around. There were about 7-8 kids during my visit. I believe there were more but some of them have already been fetched by their parents. The remaining kids keep on playing with the toys, the slide, etc. There were, however, 2 kids, both were female, so closely attached to the caregiver. Maybe they were scared with my presence.
About 15 minutes after that, I decided to start mingling around with the kids. As to what we have studied in the class, on habituation, that was what I observed happened to these kids. Although they were scared with the strangers at first, but as time flew and as I start to play together with them, they began to ignore this ‘stranger’ and responded to me. Among the first occasion that indicated these kids were accepting my presence was when the caregiver put on the marching song. I offered myself to march together with one of these kids by extending my hand and one of them reached my hand and we marched along while singing the marching song (that was the first time I heard that song, but  can tell that the lyric is just predictable). Thank God for making my observation to run more smoothly.
There were 4 kids that caught my eye and I still cant forget how brilliant these kids are. One of them , lets name her Sophie (if I remember her name right) was playing with the kitchen toys. She acted like she is an owner of a café and when I came with my friends, she gave out her menu to us. I ordered cheese pizza and she said the food will be ready soon. After taking our orders, she went to the fridge and took out some food and a pot and began her cooking. A little while after that, she came to me with her pot and the way she was handling the pot was very interesting.
“Be careful, its hot!”
“Oh really? Can you touch it?”
*Screamed softly* “Ouchh! It is hot!”
Another kid which I adore much is a white girl, who is very shy and I did not play much with her as she is hardly approachable. She prefers to watch us playing rather than joining us. Maybe she is the kind that needs more time to habituate. What affected me the most about this girl is that she allowed me to help her put on her jacket when her mom came to fetch her. Despite of the cold responses I received from her, I was so happy to have such an ending with her. It proved that I somehow managed to make her feel safe with me.
Jack, the most hyperactive kid in that class. He licked the door as he pleases. He jump into the closet as he wishes. He topple down the basket full of toys as he desires. Basically, he will do whatever appears in his mind. I bet it is normal for boys to behave such ways. But I like how the caregivers corrected his misbehaviors. They didn’t raise their tone at all despite how stubborn Jack is. This one I have to compliment. This is exactly the best way to teach a kid. I can imagine if Jack is to be placed in one of the care centers back in my country, Malaysia, he would have been scolded for being mischievous. Such high tones will definitely have an impact on the kid. These tones might even retard the process of growing into becoming creative.
All in all, I really enjoy this experience. Even though I didn’t have a chance to be around infants (I just miss the smell of newborns) . Learning the theories in class has helped me a lot in analyzing and interpreting the behaviors of these kids. Of course, the theories are not always right as these kids are just unpredictable. But more or less, kids behave in a very unique way which I adore so much !

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