
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

fikratuna : syamil kamil mutakamil !

"... macam bola besi la. dari tengah melebur. hati kita dulu perlu betulkan."
"tapi kenapa bola besi?" 

"ni famous punye analogy ni. boleh je nak buat lain . ada pembaharuan ke"
"hmm. bola plastik la camtu.  pun melebur gak  hihi"
"pahhh!! akak tahuu! macam kerak bumi!! lava sume tu"
"omai kak waheee.. saintifik sgtt.. zzzZZZzz"
how i miss this. and the people. and environment. hmm..

kak wahee snapped this. bolebakalakauuu ! :p

alif ba ta. pak aji mata buta. huahua. itu zaman dulu kala kulu. when i was , 5 y/o perhaps?

now i'm 20. alif stands for agama as in religion. ba for bangsa as in nation and ta for tanah air as in the country.

i had a road trip , 2nd time checked in at rochester. and do not forget the fact that i ve been here in the states for about almost 6 months and i stepped on the dusty dirty dry roads of vegas and yet i have not been to new york which is just a few hours drive away.

rochester welcomed me with the whiteee snow! woke up in the morning looking into the whites. it felt great. rarely had such heavy sow showers back at my place.

alif ba ta
the talks were.. hmm. i can say my mind was politically polluted. at some points. but there were some points from the speaker which enlightened me , by bits and pieces. as i am 20 now, i should be able to evaluate these infos given by the speakers (politician i can say) and not to accept them as a whole. alhamdulillah i have friends which i can refer to when i have confusions. i can tell the people sat next to me would regret her decision to sit next to me as i do ask a lot of questions thru out the talks. and slept too :p (i now know i cant focus more than 50 minutes to a boring speech)

" characters of leader, bla bla bla.  then i realized we cant do hudud because we have 40% non muslims in malaysia"  - a very shocking statement. indeed.

now lets move on. to something even more beneficial. fikratuna. our fikrah :)

a sharing, is indeed an act of caring !

Sabda Nabi SAW (Tabrani Mu'jam Kabir)

  • ambillah pemberian selagi mana ia pemberian
  • tetapi apbila terjadi risyhwah dalam agama, maka jangan di ambil
  • dan hendaklah kamu meninggalkannya
  • even ia akan membuat kamu faqir dan menghentikan hajat kamu
  • ketahuilah sesungguhnya pengisar islam itu berpusing
  • dan berpusinglah kamu bersama kitab walau ke mana pun ia berpusing
  • ketahuilah sesunggunya kitab dan pemerintah itu akan bertembung
  • maka janganlah kamu berpisah dengan kitab
  • ketahuilah sesungguhnya akan terjadi ke atas kamu pemerintah2 akan menetapkan ke atas mereka apa yang tak ditetapkan ke atas kamu
  • sekiranya kamu mengingkarinya , mereka akan bunuh kamu
  • sekiranya kamu mentaatinya , mereka akan sesatkan kamu
  • "ya nabi apa kami nak buat niii?"
  • "buatlah kamu seperti pengikut Isa a.s yang digergaji dengan gergaji dan dipanggang atas bara api,
  • mati dalam mentaati Allah lebih baik dari hidup dalam maksiat kepada Allah"

paham kan? kalau tak, boleh tanye pada yang ahli. but i do understand this ! :)
the main point is, stick to the kitab which is the Quran and as Sunnah no matter how the world revolves around you. Stick NOT with the leaders who go againts our kitab!
(macam keneeee sanagt dengan talks of the speakers. hmmm)

nak share lagi!

Arrijalu qowwamu na 'alannisa' !
 <3 ~

another achievement! ^_^


  1. "alhamdulillah i have friends which i can refer to when i have confusions".. i wonder who are those people...:P supposedly, whoever have good agendas should be a leader but in Malaysia, whoever have power and influence they will be at the sad is that..ada rasa nak ganti menteri pembangunan wanita, keluarga dan masyarakat tak syarifah?hehe

  2. errr. no komen.

    money can buy power, money can buy influence, but money cant buy addeen. indeed. islam ustaziyatul alam. insyaAllah! takbeer! Allahuakbar!

    btw, agendas and reality, both are two differing elements. same goes to idealism and reality. tapi islam itu syumul. syamil. kamil. mutakamil.

    islam itu addinunasihah. nasihah here can be referred to nasih (the one who give advice) and it can also be referred as manasih which means needle. addeen is the needle. which sewn the pieces of cloth together to make them into a beautiful clothing. these pieces of cloth here are the symbolic of the different aspects of life. only with the addeen which is the needle, these aspects of life can be sewn together . only with addeen in life we will stay together and not to go astray. huhu

    rasa nak jadi menteri kanak2 je la. bentuk dari awal. pelaburan jangka masa panjang yang sgt menjaminkan. cewah. cakap je lebih ni T_T

  3. zain bhikha- a is for ALLAH..try dgr
