
Monday, February 27, 2012

suatu ahad yang luar biasa.

cehhh. budget nak rahsia2 :p

and lets call it a day, full of skype sessions, right from the very morning of 1 am with usrati , 9 am group meeting for the cabin which is coming in less than an asbu' (week) , roughly 10 am ****** group call (:p) , a video call full of updates from hazirah which is in temple uni, another video call with hanisah the secretary of cabin to update me cabin stuffs which i have missed due to ****** (;p) , and..

hakaza hakaza hakaza .. (bla bla bla in arabic) :p cool en. ^_^

went to sunday school without denying the fact i was late for 2 hours, only (:p) it wasnt a big deal though cause i am not yet a permanent teacher. though i was a little bit (:p) late , i had a chance to help these muslim kids to memorize sura al-asr and part of sura al-kaafirun ^_^ they are adowableee!

tite tute tangat2 !

huahua. their recitations are just cute! and they were so enthusiastic when the teacher announced bout the incoming quran contest! they have to memorize sura al-asr and an-nasr. one of the kid got confused because the name of these 2 suras are so close. but when the teacher recited the first part of the first verse, this kid quickly cut her and finished the whole verse! mashaallah! i wanna have kids like this, which is raise in the favorable environment of the islam, bi'ah solehah ^_^ (why am i thinking of my own kids? im not even 20..) huahua. rindu nak pegang baby... T_T

and later in the afternoon after dzuhur, a friend of mine and i joined these ladies, 1 from kuwait, 1 from iraq and the other 1 from emirates. we sat on chairs in a not so perfect circle, and the girl from kuwait started her recitation. the first sura of juzu' 28 and our target is to get this one memorized by the next meet up which is after the spring break. me and my friend were shocked + astonished ! thought that we ll be starting with the suras from the last juzu' , but fret not. we re gonna do it ! man jadda wa jada! :p tapi... macam impossible je nak hafal ni... juzu' amma pun tak lepas T_T

btw, these girls were impressed with the tajweed of my friend's recitation. they thought that we the non native arab speakers could not read that good with all the tajweed. hmm..

ohhh! met this married lady from turki. she stopped me with excitement...
"heyyyyy i ike your shirt! the anime is just lovely. whats written there? ana muslim? does that me i am muslim? so beautiful! i like how modern the muslim girl looks on your shirt. do you have more?? *puffy eyes* can i buy one??"

see, now i realize how these little things in life , even by just wearing a shirt with an image of islam on it,  are spreading the love! and now im craving for moreeee T_T 

oh mai. i just have too many to share! ok this will be the last. a lady, who taught arabic to these kids, gave me a , i can say, valuable, piece of advice :

my fwen : this girl *pointed at me* talks a lot about getting married. tell her. haha
the lady : ya habibati, you are freshman.. finish ur master , ur ph.d first! DONT get married till you have all those . cause THE MAN will always  be there for you.
me : *soq*

huahua. wassalam..

p/s : SETIAP yang kamu terima dan tolak akan dipersoalakan di mahsyar kelak.. hmm..

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