
Friday, March 2, 2012

are you scared?

now is 0759 of EST. few hours left till the spring bweak fweee! alhamdulillah. finished a research paper on Muhammad and alQuran , jom la bace part of the 2300++ words of research !nak paksa jugak baca. tapi intro je la okayy ^^

“My name is Khan and I am not a terrorist.” - Famous mantra of the hero from the movie ‘My Name is Khan’.  It is a movie back in 2010, which have few scenes that described how the Muslims are being mistreated especially in the United States after the terror of September 11. This is the tragedy that marked the climax of the people of the earth relating the concept of jihad to terrorism which is indeed a huge misconception.
            To associate the former paragraph with my research paper for today, I will reconstruct the mantra to fit my discussions; “I am a Muslim and I am not a terrorist”. This is true indeed. The 9/11 tragedy changed the perception of the world towards muslims. USA Today in 2011 reported “according to CBS News polling, the portion of Americans who have an unfavorable view of Islam rose from 33% in 2002 to 45% in 2006. In a January 2010 Gallup poll, that figure hit 53%” (Prothero, S. 2011). These figures demonstrate the misconception of the world, which is something bothering the muslims a lot. In this paper, will try to clarify the true meaning of jihad.
            What is happening today; Muslims are fighting for their rights, Muslims are reviving, Muslims are waking up from the oppressions by the kaafirun, Muslims in the Middle Easts are shedding tears and bloods while the rest of the Muslims around the world keep on praying for the ultimate victory of Islam. The world sees these as an act of terror. But Muslims sees this as a form of jihad fi sabilillah. The discussion of the word ‘jihad’ itself is very broad and I choose to narrow down my research to : The Jihad of The Believers Against The Unbelievers.

amacam? hihi. merepek punye last minute. tapi Allah permudahkan. you know, there are people out there including me, who can work welllll under pressure! so, when you find me procrastinating, just be fine with it okay :)

"barangsiapa yang mengucapkan tiada tuhan selain Allah, maka dia adalah daie."

penah dengar tak hadis ni? anyone? tried googling this but the internet itself is not so reliable these days.. hmm. tapi menarik kan. menunjukkan kat sini, setiap yang mengaku dirinya Islam, dia automatically adalah seorang pendakwah! betapa besarnya tanggungjawab yang perlu kita pikul sebaik sahaja kita mengucapkan kalimat agung tu.. hmm..

when my pets pun nak camwhore.. hmm. dunia2 :p ceh. yang elephant ni is not mine though. hehe
pernah dengar tak statement canni :

"kau ni main sampai tak ingat dunia la! ish ish." (premise 1)

hmm. a friend of mine pulak kata, kenapa tak ingat dunia? kenapa tak canni :

"kau ni main sampai tak ingat akhirat!" (premise 2)

well fil rai (my opinion) , premise 1 tu dah betul . sebab bila seseorang itu melupakan dunia, maka dia automatically dah melupakan akhirat ! sebab, Allah tak saja2 ciptakan dunia ni untuk manusia. Setiap yang Allah cipta ada hikmahnya. Allah cipta dunia, bukan untuk manusia melupakan dunia. Allah cipta akhirat, bukan untuk manusia terlalu fokus pada akhirat. Sebaliknya. Allah cipta dunia, sebagai alat untuk manusia menuju ke akhirat yang merupakan matlamat ultimate setiap yang bernyawa. this is just my humble opinion. and it is subject to questions. as i myself, is still learning. feel free to correct me :)

ha. i read chocolates okay :p
haritu, dalam kelas Muhammad and alQuran, there was this student who presented on marriage and divorce in Islam. She raised up a very interesting point that i have never thought of.

Why does Allah permits man to marry up to 4 women? Why not up to 3? why not up to 5? why 4? 

and a brilliant answer  from an american which i presumed have been in the paramilitary forces. I didnt really remember his exact words. He said that he learned in the army that for a level of organization, the maximum number of people that can occupy one particular chain/level of organization is only 5 ! if they exceed 5, the tendency to have an intimate mutual communicate will decrease! same goes to the rationale of God permitting men to have up to 4 wives, because in total, there would be 5! which is indeed the optimum number of people in group to ensure efficiency! and while i was smiling listening to his perspective, all of the sudden, the whole class gave him a round of applause!

i was thinking of doing some research on this matter , but i just dont know where to start. the internet is too wide of a place (cewah. alasan :p ) tapi seriously, this new point is indeed interesting. Subhanallah! :)

my 1st offical poster for the public! though my corneal was scrathed at that time, i manage to use my one functioning eye to capture this. ^_^

jumpa kalian di smokey mountainnn! semoga Allah permudahkan semua urusan kami. Aminnn :)
oh btw, the post title refers to the campaign of the event on this spring break. SpringCAbinREtreat !

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