
Friday, March 2, 2012

i lost 8, he lost 10 and counting..


Ikram Care and Relief would like to bring to your attention, to a call for help to one of our Malaysian students who's suspected to has Tibi. 

His name is Asyraf Zulazni, studying in University of Southampton. He is now in the Southampton General Hospital. For your information, he has suffered pain for more than a month and had lost weight by 10kg. This donation drive is to enlighten his burden.

You are most welcome to make your donation via this account:

Akaun: Ikram Care
Sortcode: 40-28-06
Acc no: 64254414
Bank: Hsbc
Reference: Asyraf

or via paypal accout

PayPal Account
Subject: Asyraf

Donation drive will be closed 14 days from today (16/03/2012)

Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 261:

"The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah, is as the likeness of a grain (of corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom He pleases. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knower."

Rasulallah Salallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: 'Whoever gives charity equal to a date from good earnings – for Allah does not accept anything but that which is good – Allah will take it in His right hand and tend it for the one who gave it as any one of you tends his foal, until it becomes like a mountain.' (Bukhari and Muslim)

So take action now.
Donate, or/and forward this message to your friends and members of your community so at least you will get the reward of spreading good words too inshaAllah.

Many thanks and jzkk.

Salam wbt

tolong jom? i used to have this virus. 

it took away 8kg from me in less than a month.. 

there was once i coughed blood, but i thought i was having hallucination..

i lost my appetite immediately..

i cant even finish half a plate of my favorite food..

i didnt feel well to lead my own life..


Allah sayang saya..

Allah beri kekuatan..

nampak peta atas ni?

A tu uniten, tempat saya belajar dedulu

B tu umah saya.

C tu hospital

selalu appointment saya dengan doktor saya every month in one of the thursdays.

jadi, akan ada satu hari khamis dalam masa setahun saya ulang alik hospital, saya akan ponteng kelas.

sebab pergi jumpa doktor. 

biasanya, malam rabu, either my mom or my abang fetched me at uniten, marked A on the map.

and to my home , marked B on the map.

the next day, appointement biasa nye pukul 8++ pagi.

7.30 am da gerak keluar uma

drive sorang2 lalu jalan tun razak yang sangat sesak 

tapi kenari pandai menyelit. 

kadang2 unser pun saya pandaikan menyelit2.

jadi sempat lah sampai hospital awal, or on time, marked C on the map.

biasanye waktu appointment, doktor akan amik berat badan dan xray dan test kahak

jadi boleh kata, i am immuned to xrays.

da lebih 10 kali. kot.

dan setiap kali appointment, setiap tu jugak dapat stock ubat yang baru

yang perlu dimakan secara punctual everyday for 6 months!

eh panjang pulak. 


even berada di samping family and friends,

perit rasanya nak recover.

apatah lagi kalau dah di perantauan.

dengan kos tak tahu berapa

dengan parents jauh di mata




ok. tak terbayang. tak mahu pun. jadi. mari. bantu. doa pun jadilah . semoga Allah permudahkan ya akhi.. amin ya robbii..

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