
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

atas dasar seislam seagama seTuhan

terasa manis sangat silaturahim ini
tak kenal maka tak cinta?
only applicable to certain things
dalam hal saudara seagama
tak kenal pun boleh cinta
bertembung di tengah jalan
tersenyum sambil membisik salam
salam dijawab
senyum pun dibalas
aduhai manisnya..
saling mendoakan kesejahteraan
lebih indah dari kisah pepari (fairytales) hehe

jadi sudah muqaddimahnya

masuk ke isi penting pada hari ini
yang membuatkan hati tergerak
untuk menari-narikan jari jemari di atas papan kekunci
(wah mood nak bersastera)

sungguh, islam itu mudah.
islam itu indah
hanya menjadi sukar
pada yang hatinya punya penyakit
penyakit wahan
yang ubatnya cuma
apa ya?

i have a presentation tomorrow!
one thing i hate most when it comes to presentation is
to memorize a text.
but the prob is, if the presentation is.
okay. stop complaining.
so yea, i will be presenting on arabic food! :D
and i ordered some baklava frm this turkish delivery
to share it with my classmates
to let them taste a lil bit of the arab world
you know, food can make people happy
and when you make people happpy,
you will be a happier person :)

called him once, no answer
called him twice, there was a light of hope!
but it was the machine :'(
so yea, decided to email him instead of the details
and guess what?
he called me back
saying that he left his phone in the car
i was right to email him! :')
and the total was $14 roughly..

when he arrived at my building
he called saying that he couldnt get into coz he doesnt have the access
he sounded so innocent.
and then we traded.
i was about to give him $15.
"oh , one of the item you ordered is on sale, 50% off, so you wil have to pay only $12.98 "
with a smile, the sadaqah :)
so i gave him $15 still cause that was my 1st niat.
i dont mind giving tips to muslims . hehe
and he took the money and counted them.
i was about to leave
when he returned back $2 .
i .. was.. speechless.
"its $12.98 , i can give you another 2 cents." while attempting to look for 2 cents in his wallet
"oh no ! its okayyy"
"really, okay.. Assalamualaikum "

and we walked away , with me still smiling
the beauty of islam..
how fair and just he is in his trading
he could have just lemme buy the on sale item at the normal price
he could have just walked away with the balance considering that as the tips
but he chose not to
you know , imagine if this was to happen to a person seeking for a solid reason to revert to islam
this guy's behavior would definitely be it!
of how the believers having such a perfect akhlaq
with the salam
the smile
the kindness
the honesty
the justice
and the list goes on

sweet, kan?

i pray that the world will be fill in with this kind of man,
and make this world a whole lot better place to live in!
amin. may Allah grant him jannah . amin .

see, what impact had his kindness brought to me?
imagine , if your every kindness is repaid by a doa for you to get into jannah.
and know that doa is the best weapon of the believers

oh ya, the thing that was 50% off is tamek fruit juice
my 2nd try
the 1st was at ifm rit , nana and kak biha belanja :D
aih rindu pula mereka .. hm..


  1. Sweet :) sweeter than the baklava itself :)
    don't know that you are taking arabic??

    Bittaufiq ya ukht!

  2. hehe. belum cukup taaruf lg ni :P

    tp kan, my classmates tadi bilang, that turk dah kawen. aloo :p haha

  3. olo, nak taaruf pah kene tunang aje lah :D
    adoi la adik kecik sorang nii,, kesitu je ae dia

    takpe lah, biar bawak pulang kejayaan dulu :P (cewah!)

  4. hehe. saje bergurau :p baru lah mesra. ye dok? :p

    kejayaan yg camne tu ha? ce spesifik sikit ;p hehe
