
Sunday, April 1, 2012

wicked weekend

indeed! "wicked"!

oh lupe. bismillahirrahmanirrahim :)
sebenarnya, i have hw beratur tunggu disiapkan! :p tapi nak jugak share my wicked weekend which made me ter postponed my hw. niat suci. keke :p

mari kite denga cerita pada hari sabtu.

alhamdulillah. spent the whole day at state college area high school! ada international children festival :) and i meant it! international! saya jumpa banyak anak2 kecil yang saaaaaaaaaaaaaaangat adowable. made me feel like having my own babies right now! uh! uh! . ok . sambung balik. hehe.

brought some kek batik to be shared with these internationals :)
i didnt know it was a competition though.
international desert competition.
there were 5 countries which participate : Jamaica, India, Saudi, China kot and Malaysia of course (unintentionally though.hehe)
so yea, i was asked to prepare some desert for 200 people. which i thought was just for sharing is caring thingy and not for competition. but i think i flunk the budgeting part and i only prepared some for which i budgeted could feed less than 100 tiny tongues. there were two trays of kek batik.

and so yea, these people gotta pay $1 to try all the deserts from the 5 countries and judge which the like best.
the feeling when lil kids came back to my tray of kek batik and told their mums and dads  "this one! i like this one!" is just indescribable. ^_^

and when it came to the cleaning up part , the coordinator of the event told me "thanks for being here . and in case you dont know, you won the competition!" . one word. alhamdulillah :)

and yea, pengalaman baru waktu solat sesuka hati di hallway sekolah. tengah sujud tu, tiba2 ada org lalu dan melatah "OH JESUS!!" . wow. kalaulah dia Islam, mungkin dia akan melatah dengan zikrullah..

dan orang melayu masih sibuk melatah "oo mak nenek cucu nenek atok nenek!!" .. hmm. something to ponder upon. bukan lah nak suruh melatah. tapi.. you know it :)

mari kite denga cite hari ahad pulak 

dan hari ini saya dapat student baru :D comel pulak tu. 3 tahun baru.

malak :)
baik aje duduk diam2. cantik pulak tu dia mewarna. :) pastuuu. uhhh. pengalaman baru. bawak pergi toilet dan ..... haha.

"how do i do this? do you want me to go in with you? oh wait! take off your.. ooo you ve done it! emm. okay. emm.. you wanna do this? (bagi tissuee) can you do this? yayyy you did it!! okay now lets go wash your hands!" -fuhhhh-

dan petang tu pulak pergi tolong kak auni bersih kan plot garden dia for this summer. well, didnt really help actually. coz i wasnt wearing appropriate. coz it was last minute decision nak masuk kebun petang tu.

okay. nak buat hw. and ada one exam this week.

bittaufiq wannajah pah!

"nama kau syarifah kan? apasal orang panggil pah?" tanya seorang senior semasa berkebun.
ha. jawab la. hah ha

p.s :

Dan sesiapa yang menghendaki akhirat dan berusaha mengerjakan amal-amal yang baik untuk akhirat dengan usaha yang layak baginya, sedang dia beriman, maka mereka yang demikian keadaannya, diberi pahala akan amal usahanya. (17:19)