
Saturday, April 7, 2012

friendship. relationship. and everything that ships.

today is Saturday. 

yeay! rase macam semalam je baru ahad. but time flies, and its gonna be sunday, again tomorrow! and the real time now is 9:51 am. ohya. my time is always 15-20 minutes ahead of the real time. jam laptop. jam fon. jam tangan. sume jam in my possession. kalau boleh, jam org lain pun nak cepatkan gak. :p
the funny thing is, ramai yg 'terpedaya' with this time shown. ada yg kelangkabut solat maghib sbab ingt da nak abis waktu. which is good, la? kan? hmm. i myself got 'tricked' , sometimes . hehe.

sebenarnye. itu intro je. i just wanna make today another simple day in my life. cewah. okay camni. ada satu soalan je yang nak tanye. tak perlukan jawapan kot. sbab i dont think theres an exact answer yes or no for this quest. 

bolehke lelaki dan perempuan, jadi kawan baik? 

i think i ve found my answer but i might be wrong. 

ohya, today marked my 8 months here in the States, 
8 months away from family,
8 months away from my good friends :')


  1. assalamualaikum Syarifah :)
    rise and shine ^_^

    so ape jawapannya? boleh ke tidak? :D

  2. kalau nak laki tu jd kawan baik kite, kawin je la :p hehe
    ntah la. i dont have the exact answer kak zati :)

  3. sebab itu syariat meletakkan garis panduan untuk bergaul, kan indah gitu? :) you know the answer pah ^_^ rindu lahh, bila nak skype date??

  4. bile?? hm. bile free ? :D kak zatii. inilah kesan karat jahiliyah yg masih belum dpt sy kikis.. hmm :'(

  5. Bila awak tgk akak online kat skype, akak free lah tu, kalah menteri kan? :p

    Allah belum tatik nyawa kita, tanda Allah bagi peluang lagi tu nak kikis2 karat jahiliyyah, tak ade manusia yg sempurna pah, tapi marilah kita buat sehabis baik mentauladani Rasulullah SAW, yakin boleh!! ;)

  6. takbeer! :') tengss kakzati ^_^

  7. lelaki dengan perempuan can never be best friends. They are never meant to be best friends unless he/she is your jodoh. I have these so-called best-guy friends. Terlalu ramai. And guess what? At least, I fall at least once for each guy. And you know, falling for a boy is hard to resist, lagi2 bila kita rapat dengan orang tu.

    I learnt my lesson. Alhamdulillah. Sekarang dalam proses nak jauhkan diri dari any relationship macam tu.

    And no. I have no answer for your question. It's too subjective. Pilihlah mana yang terbaik buat kita. Kalau ada best friend lain gender tu mengingatkan kita pada Allah, why not right, asalkan tak langgar hukum Allah?

    Just sharing my thoughts and experiences.

    I love you lillah Pah.
    Rindu =)
